When Summer found out the major family secret that has been hidden all these years, Aimee Friedman used great language to make me feel as much sorrow and pain as she did. I think that the author did a great job of making me feel like I was Summer. I finished this book in only a couple of days, which isn’t that long. I could definitely tell what it is at the end of part 3. I chose to read this book every time I had free time. I think the weakness of the story was that I found the big family secret a little predictable. At first, I thought that two different stories would be confusing, but it really wasn’t. I love how Aimee Friedman came up with the idea to split the story in half with two different sides of Summer. I think the strength of this story was the storyline. But, she can’t escape the truth of the family secret that has been kept from her for all these years.

In this story called Two Summers, Aimee Friedman shows us two different stories of which one, she doesn’t answer the call and finds herself in France, and in the second, she does answer and stays at home in the suburbs. She is standing in front of the airplane gate about to give the gate agent her ticket and boarding pass, when she gets an unknown call. But, the fate of her summer of dreams rests in the hands of the Accept and Decline buttons. She is waiting to get her first kiss, to fall in love with a dazzling French boy, and explore the beautiful scenery with her Nikon camera. Set in both the south of France and stateside, the twisting, atmospheric Two Summers explores questions of fate, self-determination, and whether or not the journey matters more than the destination.15 – almost 16 – year old Summer expects to have the best summer of her life. But what matters more - the choices she makes or the experiences that shape her? She is both living amid secrets and kept from them. When her story divides, Summer finds herself alternately face to face with a longtime crush and worlds away.

In this absorbing new novel, Summer makes a choice that changes the whole course of the season ahead of her. From New York Times bestselling author Aimee Friedman comes an inventive novel about fate, family secrets, and new love, told in split narrative.